– Discover exterior home design inspiration

Via Houzz, Photo by JB Architecture Group, Inc. I imagine it would look something like this… I could use a dark color (black or a really dark charcoal gray) and it would probably just disappear, especially after the new (much wider) steps are built and some landscaping is added around the porch. Those lines are actually in the concrete, so they can’t be pressure washed away. My main issue with it is that it has those horizontal lines on it, presumably from the form they built, which probably consisted of three or four boards stacked edge-to-edge horizontally, before pouring the concrete. I know some of you said to just leave it and let the future landscaping do the camouflaging, but I don’t know that I can do that. I love how my front porch is coming along, but I really do have an issue with this exposed concrete around the base, and I’ve been looking at pictures and trying to come up with some options for either dressing it up or camouflaging it completely. And of course, since I went to that trouble, we didn’t get a drop of rain. But right now, after I sanded the heck out of them yesterday, there’s way too much exposed wood and wood filler for them to be exposed to rain, so I had to wrap them. When they’re finished (caulked, primed with oil-based primer, and painted), they should hold up just fine in the rain. But since I couldn’t finish them yesterday, and there was a chance of rain last night, I had to wrap them with plastic.

Now they need one final sanding, caulking, priming and painting. I got them all trimmed out, sanded and wood filled. I made great progress on my front porch columns yesterday, but they’ll require one more day of work before I can finish them.