Pro tools 101 flash cards
Pro tools 101 flash cards

pro tools 101 flash cards
  1. Pro tools 101 flash cards pro#
  2. Pro tools 101 flash cards series#
pro tools 101 flash cards pro tools 101 flash cards

Turning ON external HDs that use external power.

Pro tools 101 flash cards pro#

Which component should you turn on first when powering up a Pro Tools system? Which component should you turn on last? (See "Powering Up Your Hardware" beginning on page 30.) Powering up should be done in followng sequence: 1. However users can export the MIDI files, which will then become available as. Where are Pro Tools' MIDI files normally stored? (See "MIDI Files" beginning on page 29.) MIDI files are stored within the session file in the session folder. Where are audio files stored in the session hierarchy? (See "Audio Files" beginning on page 29.) Audio files are stored in the session folders audio files folder. Deleting the file does not corrupt the session, however Pro Tools will need longer time recalculating the waveform graphics. What is the WaveCache.wfm file used for? What happens if the WaveCache file gets deleted or goes missing? (See "WaveCache File" beginning on page 29.) Pro Tools generates the wavecache (.wfm extension) to generate a representation of the sessions audio waveforms in order to save time when opening a session. When commited the temporary files are written in the audio files folder. Rendered files: when users render elastic audio processing Pro Tools creates temporary files for the audio on the affected tracks. Clip groups folder will remain only when clip groups are exported from the session. Bounced files are saved in the bounced files folder (Folder remains empty and will be removed if no audio was bounced). Sibelius files can be exported an recognized by their. MIDI data is stored within the session file (unless exported, subsequently. Audio files are stored in the corresponding sessions' audio files folder. Further Pro Tools generates a wavecache file (.wfm extension) saved in the session folder. Where is the session file (.ptx) stored? (See "Session Components" beginning on page 29.) Pro Tools generates a session file inside a session folder of the same name (.ptx extension). Name some of the folders and files that Pro Tools creates as part of the session hierarchy. Pro Tools HD Compatible interfaces include HD OMNI, HD I/O and HD MADI.

Pro tools 101 flash cards series#

(See "Pro Tools 1 HD - Series Audio Interfaces" beginning on page 19.) Pro Tools HD/HDX system require at least one HD-series audio interface to be connected in order to run. Name some audio interfaces that are compatible with Pro Tools HD software.

Pro tools 101 flash cards